Members Rodeo Schedule DrawsResults 2023 Standings | 2022 Results 2022 Standings

2023 Rodeo Schedule for FCA

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Current Rodeos

Past Rodeos

Nov-30-Nov-30, -0001
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Online Entry Open DayMon Nov 30 @ 12:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon Nov 30 @ 01:00 pm

Nov-30-Nov-30, -0001
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Online Entry Open DayMon Nov 30 @ 12:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon Nov 30 @ 01:00 pm
November 12 Cardston Academy - CRA Lead
Cardston, AB
Nov-12-Nov-12, 2022
PerformancesSat Nov 12 @ 11:00 AM
Sat Nov 12 @ 11:05 AM second 1/2

Stock ContractorDarren Shaw -- Darren Shaw
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Ladies Barrel Racing / $ / $60
Junior Barrel Racing / $ / $30
Lil Rascals Barrel Racing / $ / $30
Tie Down Roping / $ / $60
Steer Wrestling / $ / $60
Team Roping / $ / $60
Junior Breakaway / $ / $30
Jr. Team Roping / $ / $30
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $ / $30
Open Membership / $ / $250.00
Junior/Optional Membership / $ / $100.00
Lil Rascal Membership / $ / $50.00
Dual Approved:FCA
Lead Association:CRA

Timed Event Challenge, See Timed Event Link on Left side of home page.


Online Entry Open DayFri Oct 28 @ 12:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon Oct 31 @ 03:00 pm
Call Backs:November 3
Entry Info:

Membership can be purchased at the function.

Email entries to:

Call in entries:  Oct 31, 12pm-3pm


*if you have not purchased your membership, you will need to fill out membership form at the function or email it into the office prior to the function.  You will also need to attach your Electronic Banking Information and email head shot for your membership card*

Notes to Competitors:

Membership forms (can be found on the left side under Members), picture for the membership card, and e-transfer for membership.  Email to


Must have an association membership card.


Order of Events:  Ladies Barrels, Junior Barrels, Lil Rascals, Tie Down Roping, Ladies Breakaway, Junior Breakaway, Steer Wrestling, Team Roping, Jr. Team Roping

November 26 - Brooks Roughstock & Timed Event, 11am - CRA Lead
Brooks, AB
Nov-26-Nov-26, 2022
PerformancesSat Nov 26 @ 11:00 AM
Sat Nov 26 @ 11:05 AM second 1/2

Stock ContractorDarren Shaw -- Darren Shaw, Yule, Beasley, Tateson
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Ladies Barrel Racing / $ / $60
Junior Barrel Racing / $ / $30
Lil Rascals Barrel Racing / $ / $30
Tie Down Roping / $ / $60
Steer Wrestling / $ / $60
Team Roping / $ / $60
Junior Breakaway / $ / $30
Jr. Team Roping / $ / $30
Bareback / $ / $60
Saddle Bronc / $ / $60
Bull Riding / $ / $60
Novice Horse Riding / $ / $30
Junior Bulls / $ / $30
Junior Steer Riding / $ / $30
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $ / $30
Open Membership / $ / $250.00
Junior/Optional Membership / $ / $100.00
Lil Rascal Membership / $ / $50.00
Ranch Bronc Riding - Both / $ / $60.00
Ranch Bronc Riding / $ / $0.00
Dual Approved:FCA
Lead Association:CRA



Online Entry Open DayFri Nov 11 @ 12:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon Nov 14 @ 03:00 pm
Call Backs:November 16
Entry Info:

Membership can be purchased at the function.

Email entries to:

Call in entries:  Nov 14, 12pm-3pm


*if you have not purchased your membership, you will need to fill out membership form at the function or email it into the office prior to the function.  You will also need to attach your Electronic Banking Information and email head shot for your membership card*

Notes to Competitors:

Membership forms (can be found on the left side under Members), picture for the membership card, and e-transfer for membership.  Email to


Must have an association membership card.


Order of Events:  

March 11 - Brooks Roughstock & Timed Event - CRA Lead
Brooks, AB
Mar-11-Mar-11, 2023
PerformancesSat Mar 11 @ 11:00 AM
Sat Mar 11 @ 11:05 AM second 1/2

Stock ContractorDarren Shaw -- Darren Shaw, Yule Roughstock
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Ladies Barrel Racing / $ / $60
Junior Barrel Racing / $ / $30
Lil Rascals Barrel Racing / $ / $30
Tie Down Roping / $ / $60
Steer Wrestling / $ / $60
Team Roping / $ / $60
Junior Breakaway / $ / $30
Jr. Team Roping / $ / $30
Bareback / $ / $60
Saddle Bronc / $ / $60
Bull Riding / $ / $60
Novice Horse Riding / $ / $30
Junior Bulls / $ / $30
Junior Steer Riding / $ / $30
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $ / $30
Open Membership / $ / $175.00
Junior/Optional Membership / $ / $60.00
Lil Rascal Membership / $ / $50.00
Ranch Bronc Riding - Both / $ / $60.00
Dual Approved:FCA
Lead Association:CRA



Online Entry Open DayFri Feb 24 @ 12:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon Feb 27 @ 03:00 pm
Call Backs:March 2
Entry Info:

Membership can be purchased at the function.

Email entries to:

Call in entries:  Feb 27, 12pm-3pm


*if you have not purchased your membership, you will need to fill out membership form at the function or email it into the office prior to the function.  You will also need to attach your Electronic Banking Information and email head shot for your membership card*

Notes to Competitors:

Membership forms (can be found on the left side under Members), picture for the membership card, and e-transfer for membership.  Email to


Must have an association membership card.


Order of Events:  Team Roping, Jr. Team Roping, Steer Riding, Ladies Breakaway, Ranch Broncs, Saddle Bronc, Tie Down Roping, Jr. Breakaway, Novice Riding, Bareback, Steer Wrestling, Ladies Barrels, Jr. Barrels, Lil Rascals, Jr. Bulls, Bull Riding.



March 31 - Taber - CRA Lead
Taber, AB
Mar-31-Mar-31, 2023
PerformancesFri Mar 31 @ 05:00 PM
Fri Mar 31 @ 05:00 PM second 1/2

Stock ContractorDarren Shaw -- Darren Shaw
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Ladies Barrel Racing / $ / $60
Junior Barrel Racing / $ / $30
Lil Rascals Barrel Racing / $ / $30
Tie Down Roping / $ / $60
Steer Wrestling / $ / $60
Team Roping / $ / $60
Junior Breakaway / $ / $30
Jr. Team Roping / $ / $30
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $ / $30
Open Membership / $ / $250.00
Junior/Optional Membership / $ / $60.00
Lil Rascal Membership / $ / $50.00
Dual Approved:FCA
Lead Association:CRA



Online Entry Open DayFri Mar 17 @ 12:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon Mar 20 @ 03:00 pm
Call Backs:March 23
Entry Info:

Membership can be purchased at the function.

Email entries to:

Call in entries:  March 20, 12pm-3pm


*if you have not purchased your membership, you will need to fill out membership form at the function or email it into the office prior to the function.  You will also need to attach your Electronic Banking Information and email head shot for your membership card*

Notes to Competitors:

Membership forms (can be found on the left side under Members), picture for the membership card, and e-transfer for membership.  Email to


Must have an association membership card.


Order of Events:  Ladies Barrels, Junor Barrels, Lil Rascals, Steer Wrestling Tie Down Roping, Ladies Breakaway, Junior Breakaway,Team Roping, Junior Team Roping.

April 1 - Taber - CRA Lead
Taber, AB
Apr-01-Apr-01, 2023
PerformancesSat Apr 01 @ 10:00 AM
Sat Apr 01 @ 10:05 AM second 1/2

Stock ContractorDarren Shaw -- Darren Shaw Timed Event, Yule Roughstock
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Ladies Barrel Racing / $ / $60
Junior Barrel Racing / $ / $30
Lil Rascals Barrel Racing / $ / $30
Tie Down Roping / $ / $60
Steer Wrestling / $ / $60
Team Roping / $ / $60
Junior Breakaway / $ / $30
Jr. Team Roping / $ / $30
Bareback / $ / $60
Saddle Bronc / $ / $60
Bull Riding / $ / $60
Novice Horse Riding / $ / $30
Junior Bulls / $ / $30
Junior Steer Riding / $ / $30
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $ / $30
Open Membership / $ / $250.00
Junior/Optional Membership / $ / $100.00
Lil Rascal Membership / $ / $50.00
Ranch Bronc Riding - Both / $ / $60.00
Ranch Bronc Riding / $ / $0.00
Dual Approved:FCA
Lead Association:CRA



Online Entry Open DayFri Mar 17 @ 12:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon Mar 20 @ 03:00 pm
Call Backs:March 23
Entry Info:

Membership can be purchased at the function.

Email entries to:

Call in entries:  March 20, 12pm-3pm


*if you have not purchased your membership, you will need to fill out membership form at the function or email it into the office prior to the function.  You will also need to attach your Electronic Banking Information and email head shot for your membership card*

Notes to Competitors:

Membership forms (can be found on the left side under Members), picture for the membership card, and e-transfer for membership.  Email to


Must have an association membership card.


Order of Events:   Ladies Barrels, Jr. Barrels, Lil Rascals, Team Roping, Jr. Team Roping, Steer Riding, Ladies Breakaway, Jr. Breakaway, Ranch Broncs, Saddle Bronc Tie Down Roping,  Bareback, Novice Riding, Steer Wrestling, Jr. Bulls, Bull Riding.


St. Paul Bust Out Spring Rodeo - LRA Lead
St. Paul, AB
Apr-29-Apr-30, 2023
PerformancesSat Apr 29 @

Stock Contractor--- -- ---
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Saddle Bronc / $750 / $0.00
Bareback / $750 / $0.00
Bull Riding / $750 / $0.00
Tie Down Roping / $500 / $70.00
Steer Wrestling / $500 / $0.00
Team Roping / $1,000 / $0.00
Ladies Barrel Racing / $500 / $0.00
Junior Barrel Racing / $250 / $0.00
Junior Steer Riding / $250 / $0.00
Novice Horse Riding / $250 / $0.00
Junior Bull Riding / $250 / $0.00
Open Membership / $ / $0.00
Junior Membership / $ / $0.00
Pee Wee Membership / $ / $0.00
Lead Association:LRA
Online Entry Open DayWed Apr 12 @ 12:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon Apr 17 @ 01:00 pm
Entry Info:

Enter through the LRA Rodeo Association

FCA Timed Event - High River Ag Grounds - CRA Lead
High River Agricultural Society Indoor Arena, AB
May-06-May-06, 2023
PerformancesSat May 06 @ 09:00 AM
Sat May 06 @ 09:00 AM

Stock Contractor--- -- ---
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Tie Down Roping / $ / $60.00
Steer Wrestling / $ / $60.00
Team Roping / $ / $60.00
Ladies Barrel Racing / $ / $60.00
Junior Barrel Racing / $ / $30.00
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $ / $60.00
Pee Wee Barrel Racing / $ / $30.00
Junior Team Roping / $ / $30.00
Junior Breakaway / $ / $30.00
Lead Association:CRA
Local Entries:

No Local Entries

Online Entry Open DayWed Apr 19 @ 09:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon Apr 24 @ 01:00 pm
Call Backs:Draw will be posted on the website by end of day Tuesday April 25th please email the office at with any errors or omissions by 9:00 am Thursday April 27th
Entry Info:

There will be no phone in entries, all entries are done online.

If you need help with how to use the system please reach out to the office and I can walk you through how to use the online system.

Notes to Competitors:

Memberships will not be processed on the final entry day.  If you wish to enter on the final day of entries your memberships must be in the office prior to Friday morning.  The office isn't open on the weekends to process memberships.

Memberships Due:Memberships must be purchased 3 days prior to ent
Big Horn Stampede
Caroline, AB
May-19-May-21, 2023
PerformancesFri May 19 @ 03:00 PM Slack if (slack)
Sat May 20 @ 12:30 PM
Sun May 21 @ 12:30 PM

Stock ContractorPengelly Rodeo -- ---
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Saddle Bronc / $500 / $75.00
Bareback / $500 / $75.00
Bull Riding / $500 / $75.00
Tie Down Roping / $500 / $75.00
Steer Wrestling / $500 / $75.00
Team Roping / $1,000 / $75.00
Ladies Barrel Racing / $500 / $75.00
Junior Barrel Racing / $300 / $50.00
Junior Steer Riding / $300 / $50.00
Novice Horse Riding / $300 / $50.00
Junior Bull Riding / $300 / $50.00
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $300 / $50.00
Pee Wee Barrel Racing / $300 / $50.00
Junior Breakaway / $300 / $50.00
Mens Ranch Bronc Riding / $300 / $75.00
Ladies Ranch Bronc Riding / $300 / $75.00
Dual Approved:WRA,CRA, LRA


Buckle in Bull Riding

Local Entries:

Betty Burwash 403-369-7759

Monday May 1 to Monday May 8 at 1:00 pm

Local Entries must prepay their fees with the Committee at time of Entry.  If payment is not made you will not be entered.

Online Entry Open DayWed May 03 @ 01:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon May 08 @ 01:00 pm
Call Backs:Draw will be posted on the website, please email with any errors or omissions
Trade Deadline:

Trades must be done by Noon on Thursday May 11

Both sides of the trade must EMAIL the office at phone in trades will not be accepted

Entry Info:

Online Entries open Wednesday May 3rd and Close Monday May 8th at 1 pm

There will be no phone in Entries for 2023

Memberships must be purchased no later than Friday May 5th at 3 pm.  MEMBERSHIPS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED ON ENTRY DAY

Notes to Competitors:

It is the contestants responsibility to look at the draw and advise of any errors or omissions by end of day Wednesday following entry close. 

If you do not look at the draw to advise of errors or omissions the office will not be able to fix.  Final Draw will be posted by 1:00 pm on Thursday, no changes will be made after this time


Contestants PLEASE NOTE:  A performance must be filled first before we have a slack.  Slack is not guaranteed


Timed Events - 10 - 12 Entries taken per perf

Ladies Barrel Racing   12 - 15 Max Entries taken per perf

Junior Barrel Racing    5 - 10 Max Entries taken per perf

Pee Wee Barrel Racing  5 Max Entries taken per perf

Roughstock Contestants - we must give the committees a decent performance for each day so entries will be split over the 2 days, we can't have everyone competing on the same day.

Memberships Due:Memberships must be purchased by Friday May 5th. Memberships will not be processed on the Final Entry Day.
May 26 Cardston - CRA Lead
Cardston - Westwind Academy, AB
May-26-May-27, 2023
PerformancesFri May 26 @ 05:30 PM
Fri May 26 @ 05:30 PM 2nd

Stock ContractorDarren Shaw -- Darren Shaw
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Ladies Barrel Racing / $ / $60
Junior Barrel Racing / $ / $30
Lil Rascals Barrel Racing / $ / $30
Tie Down Roping / $ / $60
Steer Wrestling / $ / $60
Team Roping / $ / $60
Junior Breakaway / $ / $30
Jr. Team Roping / $ / $30
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $ / $30
Open Membership / $ / $250
Junior/Optional Membership / $ / $60.00
Lil Rascal Membership / $ / $50.00
Dual Approved:FCA
Lead Association:CRA
Online Entry Open DayFri May 12 @ 12:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon May 15 @ 03:00 pm
Call Backs:May 18
Entry Info:


Membership can be purchased at the function.

*if you have not purchased your membership, you will need to fill out membership form at the function or email it into the office prior to the function.  You will also need to attach your Electronic Banking Information and email head shot for your membership card*

Notes to Competitors:

Membership forms (can be found on the left side under Members), picture for the membership card, and e-transfer for membership.  Email to


Must have an association membership card.

May 27 Cardston - CRA Lead
Cardston - Westwind Academy, AB
May-27-May-27, 2023
PerformancesSat May 27 @ 11:00 AM
Sat May 27 @ 11:00 AM 2nd

Stock ContractorDarren Shaw -- Darren Shaw
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Ladies Barrel Racing / $ / $60
Junior Barrel Racing / $ / $30
Lil Rascals Barrel Racing / $ / $30
Tie Down Roping / $ / $60
Steer Wrestling / $ / $60
Team Roping / $ / $60
Junior Breakaway / $ / $30
Jr. Team Roping / $ / $30
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $ / $30
Junior/Optional Membership / $ / $60.00
Lil Rascal Membership / $ / $50.00
Dual Approved:FCA
Lead Association:CRA
Online Entry Open DayFri May 12 @ 12:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon May 15 @ 03:00 pm
Call Backs:May 18
Entry Info:


Membership can be purchased at the function.


*if you have not purchased your membership, you will need to fill out membership form at the function or email it into the office prior to the function.  You will also need to attach your Electronic Banking Information and email head shot for your membership card*

Notes to Competitors:

Membership forms (can be found on the left side under Members), picture for the membership card, and e-transfer for membership.  Email to


Must have an association membership card.

Water Valley Stampede
Water Valley, AB
Jun-02-Jun-04, 2023
PerformancesSat Jun 03 @ 01:00 PM
Sun Jun 04 @ 01:00 PM

Stock ContractorPengelly Rodeo -- ---
Stock Contractor 2Richards Rodeo -- ---
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Saddle Bronc / $750 / $80.00
Bareback / $750 / $80.00
Bull Riding / $750 / $80.00
Tie Down Roping / $750 / $80.00
Steer Wrestling / $750 / $80.00
Team Roping / $1,500 / $80.00
Ladies Barrel Racing / $750 / $80.00
Junior Barrel Racing / $350 / $50.00
Junior Steer Riding / $350 / $50.00
Novice Horse Riding / $350 / $60.00
Junior Bull Riding / $350 / $60.00
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $500 / $60.00
Pee Wee Barrel Racing / $100 / $25.00
Junior Breakaway / $350 / $60.00
Mens Ranch Bronc Riding / $750 / $60.00
Ladies Ranch Bronc Riding / $0 / $60.00
Dual Approved:CRA, LRA

RANCH BRONCS is one Open Event WILL BE $750 Prize money total

RANCH BRONC Riders you can ride both days if you like, it will be 2 X the entry fee but will only need to pay the finals & Admin fee once.

Local Entries:

Thursday May 18th 8:00 to 5:00 403-453-1472

 ****NEW**** you may local enter at more than one FCA rodeo in a year.  There is no charge for your first one, any after that there is a $25 fee for each rodeo.

Local Entries must prepay their fees at time of Entry.  If payment is not made you will not be entered.  Payment information will be give to you at time of Entry

Online Entry Open DayWed May 17 @ 01:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon May 22 @ 01:00 pm
Call Backs:Draw will be posted on the website, please email with any errors or omissions
Trade Deadline:

Trades must be done by Noon on Thursday May 25

Both sides of the trade must EMAIL the office at phone in trades will not be accepted

Entry Info:

Online Entries open Wednesday May 17th and Close Monday May 22 at 1 pm

Phone Entries 9 am - 1 pm 403-453-1472 Monday May 22

Memberships must be purchased no later than Friday May 19th at 3 pm.  MEMBERSHIPS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED ON ENTRY DAY

Local Events:

Wild Cow Milking

Wild Horse Racing

Notes to Competitors:

It is the contestants responsibility to look at the draw and advise of any errors or omissions by end of day Wednesday following entry close. 

If you do not look at the draw to advise of errors or omissions the office will not be able to fix.  Final Draw will be posted by 1:00 pm on Thursday, no changes will be made after this time


Contestants PLEASE NOTE:  There is no slack for Water Valley


Timed Events - 10 - 12 Entries taken per perf

Ladies Barrel Racing   12 - 15 Max Entries taken per perf

Junior Barrel Racing    5 - 10 Max Entries taken per perf

Pee Wee Barrel Racing  5 Max Entries taken per perf

Roughstock Contestants - we must give the committees a decent performance for each day so entries will be split over the 2 days, we can't have everyone competing on the same day.

Memberships Due:Memberships must be purchased by Friday May 19th. Memberships will not be processed on the Final Entry Day.
Cadogan Rodeo - LRA Lead
Off Hwy 600 on west side of Cadogan, AB
Jun-03-Jun-04, 2023
PerformancesSat Jun 03 @ 05:00 PM (slack)
Sun Jun 04 @ 02:00 PM
Sun Jun 04 @ 09:00 AM (slack)

Stock Contractor--- -- ---
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Saddle Bronc / $1,000 / $75.00
Bareback / $1,000 / $75.00
Bull Riding / $1,000 / $75.00
Tie Down Roping / $1,000 / $75.00
Steer Wrestling / $1,000 / $75.00
Team Roping / $2,000 / $75.00
Ladies Barrel Racing / $1,000 / $75.00
Junior Barrel Racing / $500 / $30.00
Junior Steer Riding / $500 / $30.00
Novice Horse Riding / $500 / $30.00
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $1,000 / $75.00
Pee Wee Barrel Racing / $250 / $20.00
Lead Association:LRA
Online Entry Open DayWed May 17 @ 12:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon May 22 @ 01:00 pm
Call Backs:Wednesday May 24th
Entry Info:

Online Entries May 17-22

Phone In Entries May 22 8:30 - 1:00

Pease call the LRA office enter, entries are not taken through the FCA office.

Entry Phone Numbers 403-556-2861 & 403-556-2864

Notes to Competitors:

Please check the LRA website for any update or changes to this rodeo Entry Information | My Site (


Turnouts email INCLUDE reason for turnout

Memberships Due:Memberships must be purchased prior to entering
Pete Knight Days
Crossfield, AB
Jun-09-Jun-10, 2023
PerformancesFri Jun 09 @ 06:00 PM
Sat Jun 10 @ 01:00 PM
Fri Jun 09 @ 12:30 PM If necessary (slack)

Stock ContractorRichards Rodeo -- Richards Rodeo
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Saddle Bronc / $750 / $75.00
Bareback / $750 / $75.00
Bull Riding / $750 / $75.00
Tie Down Roping / $750 / $75.00
Steer Wrestling / $750 / $75.00
Team Roping / $1,500 / $75.00
Ladies Barrel Racing / $750 / $75.00
Junior Barrel Racing / $350 / $50.00
Junior Steer Riding / $350 / $50.00
Novice Horse Riding / $350 / $50.00
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $350 / $50.00
Pee Wee Barrel Racing / $100 / $25.00
Junior Breakaway / $350 / $50.00
Dual Approved:CRA


Local Entries:

Tammy May 24 - 26 403-815-6860

Online Entry Open DayWed May 24 @ 01:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon May 29 @ 01:00 pm
Call Backs:Draw will be posted on the website, please email with any errors or omissions
Trade Deadline:

Trades must be done by Noon on Thursday June 1

Both sides of the trade must EMAIL the office at phone in trades will not be accepted

Entry Info:

Online Entries open Wednesday May 24th and Close Monday May 29th at 1 pm

There will be no phone in Entries for 2023

Memberships must be purchased no later than Friday May 26th at 3 pm.  MEMBERSHIPS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED ON ENTRY DAY

Notes to Competitors:

It is the contestants responsibility to look at the draw and advise of any errors or omissions by end of day Wednesday following entry close. 

If you do not look at the draw to advise of errors or omissions the office will not be able to fix.  Final Draw will be posted by 1:00 pm on Thursday, no changes will be made after this time


Contestants PLEASE NOTE:  A performance must be filled first before we have a slack.  Slack is not guaranteed


Timed Events - 10 - 12 Entries taken per perf

Ladies Barrel Racing   12 - 15 Max Entries taken per perf

Junior Barrel Racing    5 - 10 Max Entries taken per perf

Pee Wee Barrel Racing  5 Max Entries taken per perf

Roughstock Contestants - we must give the committees a decent performance for each day so entries will be split over the 2 days, we can't have everyone competing on the same day.

Memberships Due:Memberships must be purchased by Friday May 26th. Memberships will not be processed on the Final Entry Day
Wetaskiwin Rawhide Rodeo - LRA Lead
2 miles East on Hwy 13 from Hwy 2A Junction, AB
Jun-09-Jun-11, 2023
PerformancesSat Jun 10 @ 05:30 PM
Sun Jun 11 @ 02:30 PM
Fri Jun 09 @ 05:00 PM If necessary (slack)

Stock Contractor--- -- ---
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Saddle Bronc / $500 / $75.00
Bareback / $500 / $75.00
Bull Riding / $500 / $75.00
Tie Down Roping / $500 / $75.00
Steer Wrestling / $500 / $75.00
Team Roping / $1,000 / $75.00
Ladies Barrel Racing / $500 / $75.00
Junior Barrel Racing / $200 / $30.00
Junior Steer Riding / $200 / $30.00
Novice Horse Riding / $200 / $30.00
Junior Bull Riding / $200 / $30.00
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $300 / $75.00
Junior Breakaway / $200 / $30.00
Lead Association:LRA
Online Entry Open DayWed May 24 @ 12:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon May 29 @ 01:00 pm
Call Backs:Wednesday May 31st
Entry Info:

Online Entries May 24 - 29

Phone In Entries May 29 8:30 - 1:00

Pease call the LRA office enter, entries are not taken through the FCA office.

Entry Phone Numbers 403-556-2861 & 403-556-2864

Notes to Competitors:

Please check the LRA website for any update or changes to this rodeo Entry Information | My Site (


Turnouts email INCLUDE reason for turnout

Memberships Due:Memberships must be purchased prior to entering
Sandhills Rodeo Lancer
Lancer, SK
Jun-10-Jun-12, 2023
PerformancesSat Jun 10 @ 04:00 PM
Sun Jun 11 @ 02:00 PM
Sat Jun 10 @ 01:00 PM (slack)

Stock Contractor--- --
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Saddle Bronc / $1,000 / $100.00
Bareback / $1,000 / $100.00
Bull Riding / $1,000 / $100.00
Tie Down Roping / $2,000 / $100.00
Steer Wrestling / $1,000 / $100.00
Team Roping / $1,000 / $100.00
Ladies Barrel Racing / $1,000 / $100.00
Junior Barrel Racing / $400 / $50.00
Junior Steer Riding / $400 / $50.00
Novice Horse Riding / $400 / $50.00
Junior Bull Riding / $400 / $50.00
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $1,000 / $100.00
Online Entry Open DayWed May 24 @ 01:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon May 29 @ 02:00 pm
Notes to Competitors:

Changes to this information please see the CCA website

Cloverlodge Stampede - LRA Lead
NE Corner of the town of Viking, AB
Jun-10-Jun-11, 2023
PerformancesSat Jun 10 @ 04:00 PM (slack)
Sun Jun 11 @ 01:00 PM
Sun Jun 11 @ 08:00 AM

Stock Contractor--- -- ---
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Saddle Bronc / $750 / $30.00
Bareback / $750 / $75.00
Bull Riding / $750 / $75.00
Tie Down Roping / $750 / $75.00
Steer Wrestling / $750 / $75.00
Team Roping / $1,500 / $75.00
Ladies Barrel Racing / $750 / $75.00
Junior Barrel Racing / $250 / $30.00
Junior Steer Riding / $250 / $30.00
Novice Horse Riding / $250 / $30.00
Junior Bull Riding / $250 / $30.00
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $100 / $75.00
Pee Wee Barrel Racing / $250 / $30.00
Junior Breakaway / $200 / $30.00
Lead Association:LRA
Online Entry Open DayWed May 24 @ 12:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon May 29 @ 01:00 pm
Call Backs:Wednesday May 31st
Entry Info:

Online Entries May 24 - 29

Phone In Entries May 29 8:30 - 1:00

Pease call the LRA office enter, entries are not taken through the FCA office.

Entry Phone Numbers 403-556-2861 & 403-556-2864

Notes to Competitors:

Please check the LRA website for any update or changes to this rodeo Entry Information | My Site (


Turnouts email INCLUDE reason for turnout

Memberships Due:Memberships must be purchased prior to entering
Coutts, AB
Jun-16-Jun-19, 2023
PerformancesFri Jun 16 @ 05:00 PM (slack)
Sat Jun 17 @ 06:00 PM
Sun Jun 18 @ 01:00 PM
Sat Jun 17 @ (slack)

Stock ContractorWhite Line Rodeo -- ---
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Ladies Barrel Racing / $1,000 / $100
Junior Barrel Racing / $400 / $50
Lil Rascals Barrel Racing / $150 / $30
Tie Down Roping / $1,000 / $100
Steer Wrestling / $1,000 / $100
Team Roping / $2,000 / $100
Junior Breakaway / $400 / $50
Jr. Team Roping / $400 / $50
Bareback / $1,000 / $100
Saddle Bronc / $1,000 / $100
Bull Riding / $1,000 / $100
Novice Horse Riding / $400 / $50
Junior Bulls / $400 / $50
Junior Steer Riding / $400 / $50
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $1,000 / $100
Open Membership / $ / $175.00
Junior/Optional Membership / $ / $60.00
Ranch Bronc Riding - Both / $TBA / $60.00
Ladies Ranch Broncs / $400 / $100
Ranch Bronc Riding / $400 / $100
Dual Approved:FCA, CCA
Lead Association:CRA

Buckles in all events.

All Round Buckle awarded based on money earned.


Membership forms (can be found on the left side under Members), picture for the membership card, and e-transfer for membership.  Email to, use password rodeo


Online Entry Open DayFri Jun 02 @ 12:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon Jun 05 @ 03:00 pm
Call Backs:June 8
Entry Info:


Chinook Rodeo Association works with other sanctioned Rodeo Association to try to avoid double scheduling of contestants.

Notes to Competitors:

-There will be NO parking in the rodeo grounds area. ALL CRA members/contestants are asked to park outside the arena area to the north in the grassed area. Signs will be posted. Also, please respect all local residents lawns & property.


Gooseberry Lake - LRA Lead
Gooseberry Lake Provincial Park - 1 Mile Northeast into , AB
Jun-16-Jun-18, 2023
PerformancesFri Jun 16 @ 06:00 PM (slack)
Sat Jun 17 @ 01:00 PM
Sun Jun 18 @ 01:00 PM
Sun Jun 18 @ 08:00 AM If Necessary

Stock Contractor--- -- ---
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Saddle Bronc / $2,000 / $30.00
Bareback / $1,000 / $75.00
Bull Riding / $1,200 / $75.00
Tie Down Roping / $2,000 / $75.00
Steer Wrestling / $2,000 / $75.00
Team Roping / $4,000 / $75.00
Ladies Barrel Racing / $2,000 / $75.00
Junior Barrel Racing / $600 / $30.00
Junior Steer Riding / $400 / $30.00
Novice Horse Riding / $600 / $30.00
Junior Bull Riding / $600 / $30.00
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $1,000 / $75.00
Pee Wee Barrel Racing / $400 / $30.00
Junior Breakaway / $500 / $30.00
Lead Association:LRA
Online Entry Open DayWed May 31 @ 12:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon Jun 05 @ 01:00 pm
Call Backs:Wednesday June 7th
Entry Info:

Online Entries May 31 - June 5

Phone In Entries June 5 8:30 - 1:00

Pease call the LRA office enter, entries are not taken through the FCA office.

Entry Phone Numbers 403-556-2861 & 403-556-2864

Notes to Competitors:

Please check the LRA website for any update or changes to this rodeo Entry Information | My Site (


Turnouts email INCLUDE reason for turnout

Memberships Due:Memberships must be purchased prior to entering
Killam Indoor Rodeo - LRA Lead
Killam Indoor Arena - Highway 13, AB
Jun-16-Jun-17, 2023
PerformancesFri Jun 16 @ 07:00 PM (slack)
Sat Jun 17 @ 05:30 PM
Sat Jun 17 @ 08:00 AM If necessary

Stock Contractor--- -- ---
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Saddle Bronc / $1,000 / $30.00
Bareback / $1,000 / $75.00
Bull Riding / $1,200 / $75.00
Tie Down Roping / $1,000 / $75.00
Steer Wrestling / $1,000 / $75.00
Team Roping / $2,000 / $75.00
Ladies Barrel Racing / $1,000 / $75.00
Junior Barrel Racing / $200 / $30.00
Novice Horse Riding / $200 / $30.00
Junior Bull Riding / $200 / $30.00
Pee Wee Barrel Racing / $200 / $30.00
Lead Association:LRA
Online Entry Open DayWed May 31 @ 12:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon Jun 05 @ 01:00 pm
Call Backs:Wednesday June 7th
Entry Info:

Online Entries May 31 - June 5

Phone In Entries June 5 8:30 - 1:00

Pease call the LRA office enter, entries are not taken through the FCA office.

Entry Phone Numbers 403-556-2861 & 403-556-2864

Notes to Competitors:

Please check the LRA website for any update or changes to this rodeo Entry Information | My Site (


Turnouts email INCLUDE reason for turnout

Memberships Due:Memberships must be purchased prior to entering
Castor & District Ag Society Rodeo - LRA Lead
Castor, AB
Jun-23-Jun-23, 2023
PerformancesFri Jun 23 @ 05:30 PM
Fri Jun 23 @ 10:00 AM If necessary (slack)

Stock Contractor--- -- ---
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Saddle Bronc / $1,000 / $75.00
Bareback / $1,000 / $75
Bull Riding / $1,200 / $75
Tie Down Roping / $1,000 / $75.00
Steer Wrestling / $1,000 / $75.00
Team Roping / $2,000 / $75.00
Ladies Barrel Racing / $1,000 / $75.00
Junior Barrel Racing / $300 / $
Junior Steer Riding / $300 / $
Novice Horse Riding / $750 / $30.00
Pee Wee Barrel Racing / $300 / $
Lead Association:LRA
Online Entry Open DayWed Jun 07 @ 12:00am
Online Entry Close DaySun Jun 11 @ 01:00 pm
Call Backs:June 13th 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Entry Info:

Online Entries June 7 - 11

Phone In Entries June 11th 8:30 - 1:00

Pease call the LRA office enter, entries are not taken through the FCA office.

Entry Phone Numbers 403-556-2861 & 403-556-2864

Notes to Competitors:

Please check the LRA website for any update or changes to this rodeo Entry Information | My Site (


Turnouts 780-872-3196 or email

Memberships Due:Memberships must be purchased prior to entering
Cranberry Lake - WRA Lead
Debolt, AB
Jun-24-Jun-25, 2023
PerformancesSat Jun 24 @ 03:00 PM
Sun Jun 25 @ 03:00 PM
Sat Jun 24 @ 09:00 AM (slack)

Stock Contractor--- -- ---
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Saddle Bronc / $500 / $100.00
Bareback / $500 / $100.00
Bull Riding / $500 / $100.00
Tie Down Roping / $500 / $100.00
Steer Wrestling / $500 / $100.00
Team Roping / $500 / $100.00
Ladies Barrel Racing / $500 / $100.00
Junior Barrel Racing / $500 / $50.00
Junior Steer Riding / $250 / $50.00
Novice Horse Riding / $250 / $50.00
Junior Bull Riding / $250 / $50.00
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $500 / $100.00
Pee Wee Barrel Racing / $250 / $25.00
Junior Breakaway / $250 / $50.00
Lead Association:WRA
Online Entry Open DayWed Jun 14 @ 07:00am
Online Entry Close DayThu Jun 15 @ 03:00 pm
Entry Info:

Entries are online only with the WRA

Entries open June 14 at 7 am and close June 15 at 3 pm

Notes to Competitors:

Pleae check the WRA website for any updte or changes to this rodeo Wildrose Rodeo Association – The Best of Amateur Rodeo in Alberta (


Memberships Due:Memberships must be purchased prior to entry
Hairy Hill Rodeo - LRA Lead
Vegreville 17 Miles North on Secondary Hwy 857 Twp Rd 552 54A East, AB
Jul-07-Jul-08, 2023
PerformancesFri Jul 07 @ 06:00 PM
Sat Jul 08 @ 04:00 PM
Sat Jul 08 @ 09:00 AM (slack)

Stock Contractor--- -- ---
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Saddle Bronc / $1,000 / $0.00
Bareback / $1,000 / $0.00
Bull Riding / $1,000 / $0.00
Tie Down Roping / $500 / $70.00
Steer Wrestling / $500 / $0.00
Team Roping / $1,000 / $0.00
Ladies Barrel Racing / $500 / $0.00
Junior Barrel Racing / $300 / $0.00
Novice Horse Riding / $400 / $0.00
Junior Bull Riding / $400 / $0.00
Pee Wee Barrel Racing / $100 / $0.00
Lead Association:LRA
Online Entry Open DayWed Jun 21 @ 12:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon Jun 26 @ 01:00 pm
Call Backs:June 28th
Entry Info:

Online Entries June 21 - 26

Phone In Entries June 26th 8:30 - 1:00

Pease call the LRA office enter, entries are not taken through the FCA office.

Entry Phone Numbers 403-556-2861 & 403-556-2864

Notes to Competitors:

Please check the LRA website for any update or changes to this rodeo Entry Information | My Site (


Turnouts email INCLUDE turnout reason

Memberships Due:Memberships must be purchased prior to entering
Lamont Summer Sizzler Rodeo - LRA Lead
2 miles sough of Junction Hwy 15 & Secondary Hwy 831, AB
Jul-08-Jul-09, 2023
PerformancesSat Jul 08 @ 02:00 PM
Sun Jul 09 @ 01:00 PM
Sun Jul 09 @ 08:00 AM (slack)

Stock Contractor--- -- ---
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Saddle Bronc / $1,000 / $75.00
Bareback / $1,000 / $75.00
Bull Riding / $1,000 / $75.00
Tie Down Roping / $1,000 / $75.00
Steer Wrestling / $1,000 / $75.00
Team Roping / $2,000 / $75.00
Ladies Barrel Racing / $1,000 / $75.00
Junior Barrel Racing / $350 / $75.00
Novice Horse Riding / $300 / $30.00
Junior Bull Riding / $300 / $30.00
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $800 / $75.00
Pee Wee Barrel Racing / $250 / $20.00
Junior Breakaway / $300 / $30.00
Lead Association:LRA
Online Entry Open DayWed Jun 21 @ 12:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon Jun 26 @ 01:00 pm
Call Backs:Wednesday June 28th
Entry Info:

Online Entries June 21 - 26

Phone In Entries June 26 8:30 - 1:00 pm

Pease call the LRA office enter, entries are not taken through the FCA office.

Entry Phone Numbers 403-556-2861 & 403-556-2864

Notes to Competitors:

Please check the LRA website for any update or changes to this rodeo Entry Information | My Site (


Turnouts 780-872-3196 or email

Memberships Due:Memberships must be purchased prior to entering
Buck lake - WRA Lead
Buck Lake, AB
Jul-08-Jul-09, 2023
PerformancesSat Jul 08 @ 01:00 PM
Sun Jul 09 @ 01:00 PM
Fri Jul 07 @ 03:00 PM (slack)

Stock Contractor--- -- ---
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Saddle Bronc / $1,000 / $75.00
Bareback / $1,000 / $75.00
Bull Riding / $1,000 / $75.00
Tie Down Roping / $100 / $75.00
Steer Wrestling / $1,000 / $75.00
Team Roping / $1,000 / $75.00
Ladies Barrel Racing / $1,000 / $75.00
Junior Barrel Racing / $500 / $50.00
Junior Steer Riding / $500 / $50.00
Novice Horse Riding / $500 / $50.00
Junior Bull Riding / $500 / $50.00
Lead Association:WRA
Online Entry Open DayWed Jun 28 @ 07:00am
Online Entry Close DayThu Jun 29 @ 03:00 pm
Entry Info:

Entries are online only with the WRA

Entries open June 28 at 7 am and close June 29 at 3 pm

Notes to Competitors:

Pleae check the WRA website for any updte or changes to this rodeo Wildrose Rodeo Association – The Best of Amateur Rodeo in Alberta (


Memberships Due:Memberships must be purchased prior to entry
Hardisty Rodeo - LRA Lead
1/4 Mile West of the Leaf Restaurant 1/2 Mile South to Grounds, AB
Jul-14-Jul-16, 2023
PerformancesSat Jul 15 @ 01:00 PM
Sun Jul 16 @ 01:00 PM
Fri Jul 14 @ 06:00 PM (slack)

Stock Contractor--- -- ---
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Saddle Bronc / $1,500 / $0.00
Bareback / $1,500 / $0.00
Bull Riding / $1,500 / $0.00
Tie Down Roping / $1,500 / $70.00
Steer Wrestling / $1,500 / $0.00
Team Roping / $1,500 / $0.00
Ladies Barrel Racing / $1,500 / $0.00
Junior Barrel Racing / $500 / $0.00
Junior Steer Riding / $750 / $0.00
Novice Horse Riding / $1,000 / $0.00
Lead Association:LRA
Online Entry Open DayWed Jun 28 @ 12:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon Jul 03 @ 01:00 pm
Call Backs:Wednesday July 5th
Entry Info:

Online Entries June 28 - July 3

Phone In Entries July 3rd 8:30 - 1:00 pm

Pease call the LRA office enter, entries are not taken through the FCA office.

Entry Phone Numbers 403-556-2861 & 403-556-2864

Notes to Competitors:

Please check the LRA website for any update or changes to this rodeo Entry Information | My Site (


Turnouts email INCLUDE reason for turnout

Memberships Due:Memberships must be purchased prior to entering
Dogpound Stampede - FCA LEAD - CRA Lead
Dogpound, AB
Jul-19-Jul-19, 2023
PerformancesWed Jul 19 @ 12:00 PM

Stock ContractorPengelly Rodeo -- Pengelly Rodeo
Rodeo SecretaryTrish McKean
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Saddle Bronc / $500 / $
Bareback / $500 / $
Bull Riding / $500 / $
Tie Down Roping / $500 / $
Steer Wrestling / $500 / $
Team Roping / $1,000 / $
Junior Steer Riding / $300 / $
Novice Horse Riding / $300 / $
Junior Bull Riding / $300 / $
Junior Breakaway / $100 / $
Mens Ranch Bronc Riding / $100 / $
Ladies Ranch Bronc Riding / $100 / $
Lead Association:CRA
Local Entries:

Tamara Ziebarth 403-993-3501


Local Entries are Wednesday July 5th


Local Entries must prepay their fees with the Committee at time of Entry.  If payment is not made you will not be entered.

Online Entry Open DayWed Jul 05 @ 01:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon Jul 10 @ 01:00 pm
Call Backs:Draw will be posted on the website, please email with any errors or omissions
Entry Info:

Online Entries open Wednesady July 5th and Close Monday July 10th at 1 pm.

There will be no phone in entries for 2023 

Memberships must be purchased no later than Friday July 7th at 3 pm.  MEMBERSHIPS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED ON ENTRY DAY

Notes to Competitors:

It is the contestants responsibility to look at the draw and advise of any errors or omissions by end of day Wednesday following entry close. 

If you do not look at the draw to advise of errors or omissions the office will not be able to fix.  Final Draw will be posted by 1:00 pm on Thursday, no changes will be made after this time

Memberships Due:Memberships must be purchased by end of day Friday July 7th
Lakeshore Stampede - CCA Lead
Elbow, SK
Jul-21-Jul-22, 2023
PerformancesFri Jul 21 @ 07:00 PM
Sat Jul 22 @ 07:00 PM
Sat Jul 22 @ 10:00 AM (slack)

Stock Contractor--- --
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Saddle Bronc / $1,000 / $100.00
Bareback / $1,000 / $100.00
Bull Riding / $1,000 / $100.00
Tie Down Roping / $1,000 / $100.00
Steer Wrestling / $1,000 / $100.00
Team Roping / $2,000 / $100.00
Ladies Barrel Racing / $1,000 / $100.00
Junior Barrel Racing / $250 / $50.00
Junior Steer Riding / $250 / $50.00
Novice Horse Riding / $250 / $50.00
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $1,000 / $100.00
Lead Association:CCA
Online Entry Open DayWed Jul 05 @ 01:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon Jul 10 @ 03:00 pm
Entry Info:

Call in entries Monday July 10 through the CCA 1-800-667-9444

July 10 9:30 am - 2:30 pm

Notes to Competitors:

For any changes to this information please reach out to the CCA

Big Valley, AB
Jul-28-Jul-29, 2023
PerformancesFri Jul 28 @ 07:00 PM
Sat Jul 29 @ 07:00 PM
Sat Jul 29 @ 10:00 AM (slack)

Stock ContractorIncredi-bull Rodeo -- ---
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Ladies Barrel Racing / $1,500 / $120
Junior Barrel Racing / $250 / $50
Tie Down Roping / $1,500 / $120
Steer Wrestling / $1,500 / $120
Team Roping / $1,500 / $120
Bareback / $1,500 / $120
Saddle Bronc / $1,500 / $120
Bull Riding / $1,500 / $120
Junior Bulls / $1,000 / $50
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $1,000 / $100.00
Dual Approved:LRA, FCA, CCA
Lead Association:CRA

**Details to follow

Online Entry Open DayFri Jul 14 @ 12:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon Jul 17 @ 01:00 pm
Call Backs:July 20
Entry Info:



Chinook Rodeo Association works with other sanctioned Rodeo Association to try to avoid double scheduling of contestants.

Writing On Stone, AB
Aug-05-Aug-07, 2023
PerformancesSat Aug 05 @ 07:00 PM
Sun Aug 06 @ 05:00 PM
Mon Aug 07 @ 02:00 PM
Mon Aug 07 @ 09:00 AM (slack)

Stock ContractorJim Richards -- Richards Rodeo/Shaw Timed Event Cattle
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Ladies Barrel Racing / $1,000 / $100
Junior Barrel Racing / $500 / $50
Lil Rascals Barrel Racing / $500 / $50
Tie Down Roping / $1,000 / $100
Steer Wrestling / $1,000 / $100
Team Roping / $1,000 / $100
Junior Breakaway / $500 / $50
Jr. Team Roping / $500 / $50
Bareback / $1,000 / $100
Saddle Bronc / $1,000 / $100
Bull Riding / $1,000 / $100
Novice Horse Riding / $500 / $50
Junior Bulls / $500 / $50
Junior Steer Riding / $500 / $50
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $500 / $50
Local fee after 1 free / $ / $25.00
Ladies Ranch Broncs / $500 / $50.00
Dual Approved:FCA, CCA
Lead Association:CRA

Trophy Spurs or Knives in Major Events

Local Entries:




Online Entry Open DayFri Jul 21 @ 12:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon Jul 24 @ 01:00 pm
Call Backs:July 27
Entry Info:



Chinook Rodeo Association works with other sanctioned Rodeo Association to try to avoid double scheduling of contestants.

Notes to Competitors:


Horses can be tied only.


**Bring Cash/Cheque to pay fee's at the rodeo, there is no cell service at the rodeo for E-transfers.**



Reno Rodeo & Ag Society - CCA Lead
Consul, SK
Aug-05-Aug-06, 2023
PerformancesSat Aug 05 @ 06:00 PM
Sun Aug 06 @ 06:00 PM
Sun Aug 06 @ 09:00 AM (slack)

Stock Contractor--- --
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Saddle Bronc / $1,300 / $100.00
Bareback / $1,100 / $100.00
Bull Riding / $1,100 / $100.00
Tie Down Roping / $1,100 / $100.00
Steer Wrestling / $1,100 / $100.00
Team Roping / $2,200 / $100.00
Ladies Barrel Racing / $1,100 / $100.00
Junior Barrel Racing / $400 / $50.00
Junior Steer Riding / $400 / $50.00
Novice Horse Riding / $600 / $50.00
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $1,100 / $100.00
Lead Association:CCA
Online Entry Open DayWed Jul 19 @ 09:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon Jul 24 @ 02:00 pm
Call Backs:Thursday July 27th & Friday July 28th till 11:00 am
Entry Info:

Rodeo Entry Times are 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Saskatchewan Local Time (CST)


Rodeo Entry and Callback Line: 1-800-667-9444 only answered on entry day and Thursdays for call backs.

Please call the CCA office to enter, entries are not taken through the FCA office

Notes to Competitors:

Please check the CCA website for more information Consul, SK – Reno Rodeo & Ag Society | Canadian Cowboys Association


Turn Out / Emergency Line: 1-306-721-2705 Contestants must notify of turnout on or before 11 a.m. on the day that they are scheduled to compete by calling the turnout recording line. If this is not followed, contestant will be treated as a non-notified turnout. When you call the turnout line, state your name, number the rodeo and event you are turning out of and if you are a regular turnout, doctor’s release or visible release. The turnout line is the only official notification after hours.

Cardston, AB
Aug-11-Aug-12, 2023
PerformancesFri Aug 11 @ 04:00 PM
Sat Aug 12 @ 07:00 PM
Fri Aug 11 @ 12:00 PM (slack)

Stock Contractor--- -- ---
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Ladies Barrel Racing / $500 / $70
Junior Barrel Racing / $150 / $40
Lil Rascals Barrel Racing / $150 / $40
Tie Down Roping / $500 / $70
Steer Wrestling / $500 / $70
Team Roping / $500 / $70
Junior Breakaway / $150 / $40
Jr. Team Roping / $150 / $40
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $150 / $40
Local fee after 1 free / $ / $25.00
Ranch Bronc Riding - Both / $ / $60.00
Ladies Ranch Broncs / $500 / $60.00
Dual Approved:FCA
Lead Association:CRA

Online Entry Open DayFri Jul 28 @ 12:00pm
Online Entry Close DayMon Jul 31 @ 03:00 pm
Call Backs:Aug 3
Entry Info:


Chinook Rodeo Association works with other sanctioned Rodeo Association to try to avoid double scheduling of contestants.

Crocus Hill Stampede - WRA Lead
Valleyview, AB
Aug-11-Aug-13, 2023
PerformancesFri Aug 11 @ 02:00 PM
Sat Aug 12 @ 02:00 PM
Sun Aug 13 @ 02:00 PM
Sat Aug 12 @ 08:00 AM (slack)

Stock Contractor--- -- ---
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Saddle Bronc / $500 / $100.00
Bareback / $500 / $100.00
Bull Riding / $500 / $100.00
Tie Down Roping / $500 / $100.00
Steer Wrestling / $500 / $100.00
Team Roping / $500 / $100.00
Ladies Barrel Racing / $500 / $100.00
Junior Barrel Racing / $500 / $50.00
Junior Steer Riding / $250 / $50.00
Novice Horse Riding / $250 / $50.00
Junior Bull Riding / $500 / $50.00
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $500 / $100.00
Pee Wee Barrel Racing / $150 / $25.00
Junior Breakaway / $250 / $50.00
Lead Association:WRA
Online Entry Open DayWed Aug 02 @ 07:00am
Online Entry Close DayThu Aug 03 @ 03:00 pm
Entry Info:

Entries are online only with the WRA

Entries open August 2 at 7 am and close August 3 at 3 pm

Notes to Competitors:

Pleae check the WRA website for any updte or changes to this rodeo Wildrose Rodeo Association – The Best of Amateur Rodeo in Alberta (


Memberships Due:Memberships must be purchased prior to entry
Kyle Rodeo - CCA Lead
Kyle, SK
Aug-12-Aug-13, 2023
PerformancesSat Aug 12 @

Stock Contractor--- -- ---
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Saddle Bronc / $1,000 / $100.00
Bareback / $1,000 / $100.00
Bull Riding / $1,000 / $100.00
Tie Down Roping / $1,000 / $100.00
Steer Wrestling / $1,000 / $100.00
Team Roping / $2,000 / $100.00
Ladies Barrel Racing / $1,000 / $100.00
Junior Barrel Racing / $200 / $50.00
Novice Horse Riding / $200 / $50.00
Junior Bull Riding / $200 / $20.00
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $1,000 / $100.00
Lead Association:CCA
Online Entry Open DayWed Jul 19 @ 01:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon Jul 31 @ 03:00 pm
Entry Info:

Entries are done through the CCA Office at 1-800-667-9444

July 31 9:30 am -2:30 pm

Notes to Competitors:

For any changes to this information please go to the CCA Website.

Didsbury Ag Fair & Rodeo - CRA (FCA Lead) Lead
Didsbury, AB
Aug-18-Aug-19, 2023
PerformancesFri Aug 18 @ 06:30 PM
Sat Aug 19 @ 01:00 PM
Sat Aug 19 @ 08:00 AM (slack)

Stock ContractorPengelly Rodeo -- Pengelly Rodeo
Rodeo SecretaryRobbie Elliott
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Saddle Bronc / $500 / $75.00
Bareback / $500 / $75.00
Bull Riding / $500 / $75.00
Tie Down Roping / $500 / $75.00
Steer Wrestling / $500 / $75.00
Team Roping / $500 / $75.00
Ladies Barrel Racing / $500 / $75.00
Junior Barrel Racing / $300 / $50.00
Junior Steer Riding / $300 / $50.00
Novice Horse Riding / $300 / $50.00
Junior Bull Riding / $300 / $50.00
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $100 / $50.00
Junior Breakaway / $100 / $50.00
Mens Ranch Bronc Riding / $100 / $50.00
Ladies Ranch Bronc Riding / $100 / $50.00
Dual Approved:CRA
Lead Association:CRA (FCA Lead)
Local Entries:

Craig Anderson 403-335-5349 work 403-507-1195 cell

Tuesday August 1st to Tuesday August 8th at 1:00 pm

Local Entries must prepay their fees to the committees at entry time.  If you do not pay your fees you will not be entered.

Online Entry Open DayWed Aug 02 @ 01:00am
Online Entry Close DayTue Aug 08 @ 01:00 pm
Call Backs:Draw will be posted on website, must advise the office of any errors or omissions by 5:00 pm Wednesday August 9th
Trade Deadline:

Trades must be done by Noon on Thursday August 10th

Both sides of the trade must EMAIL the office at no phone in trades will be accepted.



Entry Info:

Online Entries open Wednesday August 2nd and Close Tuesday August 8th at 1 pm (extended 1 day due to holiday and office is not open)

hone in entries are through the Chinook Rodeo Association

Memberships must be purchased no later than Friday August 4th at 3 pm.  MEMBERSHIPS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED ON ENTRY DAY

Notes to Competitors:

It is the contestants responsibility to look at the draw and advise of any errors or omissions by end of day Wednesday following entry close. 

If you do not look at the draw to advise of errors or omissions the office will not be able to fix.  Final Draw will be posted by 1:00 pm on Thursday, no changes will be made after this time


Contestants PLEASE NOTE:  A performance must be filled first before we have a slack.  Slack is not guaranteed


Timed Events - 10 - 12 Entries taken per perf

Ladies Barrel Racing   12 - 15 Max Entries taken per perf

Junior Barrel Racing    5 - 10 Max Entries taken per perf

Pee Wee Barrel Racing  5 Max Entries taken per perf

Roughstock Contestants - we must give the committees a decent performance for each day so entries will be split over the 2 days, we can't have everyone competing on the same day.

Memberships Due:Memberships must be purchased by Friday August 4th at 3 pm
Cochrane Lions Rodeo - CRA Lead
Cochrane, AB
Sep-02-Sep-04, 2023
PerformancesSat Sep 02 @ 01:00 PM
Sun Sep 03 @ 01:00 PM
Mon Sep 04 @ 01:00 PM
Fri Sep 01 @ 10:00 AM If (slack)

Stock ContractorRichards Rodeo -- Richards Rodeo
Rodeo SecretaryDeb Northcott
Events/Purse/Entry Fee:
Saddle Bronc / $1,200 / $100.00
Bareback / $1,200 / $100.00
Bull Riding / $1,200 / $100.00
Tie Down Roping / $1,200 / $100.00
Steer Wrestling / $1,200 / $100.00
Team Roping / $2,400 / $100.00
Ladies Barrel Racing / $1,200 / $100.00
Junior Barrel Racing / $600 / $50.00
Junior Steer Riding / $600 / $50.00
Novice Horse Riding / $600 / $50.00
Junior Bull Riding / $600 / $50.00
Ladies Breakaway Roping / $600 / $50.00
Pee Wee Barrel Racing / $600 / $50.00
Junior Breakaway / $600 / $50.00
Dual Approved:FCA LEAD Dual with WRA, CRA, LRA
Lead Association:CRA
Local Entries:

Devin Tupper 403-932-3928

Saturday August 12th 9 am - 12 Noon

Local Entries must prepay their fees to the committees at entry time.  If you do not pay your fees you will not be entered.

Online Entry Open DayWed Aug 16 @ 01:00am
Online Entry Close DayMon Aug 21 @ 01:00 pm
Call Backs:Draw will be posted on website, must advise the office of any errors or omissions by 5:00 pm Wednesday following entries
Trade Deadline:

Trades must be done by Noon on Thursday August 24th

Both sides of the trade must EMAIL the office at no phone in trades will be accepted.



Entry Info:

Online Entries open Wednesday 16th and close Monday August 21 at 1 pm

There will be no phone in Entries for 2023


Notes to Competitors:

PLEASE NOTE:  The entries in a perf are the max we will take, Monday is not guaranteed for anyone except LRA and CARA finalists.  The committee has a slack on Friday morning if you are a High School contestant or entering the memory lane jackpot.

It is the contestants responsibility to look at the draw and advise of any errors or omissions by end of day Wednesday following entry close. 

If you do not look at the draw to advise of errors or omissions the office will not be able to fix.  Final Draw will be posted by 1:00 pm on Thursday, no changes will be made after this time


Contestants PLEASE NOTE:  A performance must be filled first before we have a slack.  Slack is not guaranteed


Timed Events - 10  Entries taken per perf

Ladies Barrel Racing   10 Max Entries taken per perf

Junior Barrel Racing    5 Max Entries taken per perf

Pee Wee Barrel Racing  5 Max Entries taken per perf

Roughstock Contestants - we must give the committees a decent performance for each day so entries will be split over the 3 days, we can't have everyone competing on the same day.

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